Archbishop of Port of Spain Most Reverend Edward Gilbert has declared Friday March 26 – A Day of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.
The leader of the Roman Catholic flock in Trinidad and Tobago is exhorting all – families and communities – to participate in this Lenten journey through prayer, fasting and the giving of alms.
The Family Life Commission of the Archdiocese describes the Day of Prayer as a “wonderful opportunity for parents to teach and practice with their children how to make a sacrifice as a way of growing in their Catholic spirituality.’
Linking this special day to the church’s Pastoral theme of the year – Catholic Family: become what you are – families are being asked to take an active part in the mission of the Church.
The Commission states, “If we are to fulfill this mission, the Catholic family must become what it is – a domestic church, a community of love and life in which all its members grow into full manhood and womanhood in Christ.
“The reality of our Caribbean culture is that many of our families consist of single parents because of divorce or separation; extended families including grandparents, aunts and uncles. These households are also included in the mission.”
On Friday March 26 the Church encourages all families, schools, churches, workplaces and communities to come together to pray for God’s grace for the healing, preservation and restoration of families in the nation.