The mission of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is to proclaim the value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world.
Ministry Contacts: Malcom and Lynn Joab
Email: /
Contacts: 712-5681/620-3997
Teams of Our Lady is an international lay movement in the Catholic Church, designed to enrich marriage spirituality and make good marriages better. A team comprises 4 – 7 couples that come together once a month, in the presence of a spiritual counsellor who provides theological knowledge and expertise. The team shares a simple meal, prayer, sharing on the “Endeavours” and a study topic. The Endeavours are at the heart of the spirit of Teams. Everything is held in confidence and all sharing is voluntary. We share and support each other on our marital journey towards God, yet we are not a therapy group.
Regional couple (Caribbean): Peter & Linda Kowlessar;
Contact: 637 – 0804
WhatsApp : 737 – 2070
Couples For Christ (CFC) is an international movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. It is recognized by the Vatican as an International Private Association of the Faithful.
Ministry Contacts: Mark and Wendy Poon Tip
Contact: 680-7684 or 680-9329
Teams of Our Lady is an international lay movement in the Catholic Church, designed to enrich marriage spirituality and make good marriages better. A team comprises 4 – 7 couples that come together once a month, in the presence of a spiritual counsellor who provides theological knowledge and expertise. The team shares a simple meal, prayer, sharing on the “Endeavours” and a study topic. The Endeavours are at the heart of the spirit of Teams. Everything is held in confidence and all sharing is voluntary. We share and support each other on our marital journey towards God, yet we are not a therapy group.
Regional couple (Caribbean): Peter & Linda Kowlessar;
Contact: 637 – 0804
WhatsApp : 737 – 2070