Common Sense Parenting is the way.
It presents all the sense one needs to cope in society today.
This six-session programme teaches lots of positive behaviours
The goal is to show the importance of proper life choices for the future.
You learn how to positively interact with your children
These skills can be extended to co-workers and friends.
Common Sense Parenting has my vote.
All parents need to immediately board this Parenting boat.
Parenting is not easy and things sometimes get out of hand
Well these sessions have the perfect “stay calm plan”.
With practices of self control, as you sail
You will learn to navigate each experience, without fail.
So parents everywhere heed my call today
Be a part of the Common Sense Parenting mainstay.
Learning the skills and applying them daily
There will be positive outcomes, in all homes and the wider society.
The opportunity comes up for you to reflect and laugh at yourself, no less.
In the end, you will not only feel better equipped, but also blessed.
So thanks to Patrice David-Ellis and Angela Young Lai, for the sessions of laughter and fun
Each participant is extremely grateful for the lessons learned and to you, a job well done.
Sherry Ann Jones, Parishioner, Holy Cross, Princes Town