The Church has a responsibility to assist parents in their role as primary educators of their children by catechizing parents in the basic tenets of the Catholic faith and instructing them on how to pass on those teachings to their children. “The home must continue to be the place where we learn to appreciate the meaning and beauty of the…

The Archdiocesan Family Life Commission’s Separated, Divorced and Widowed (SDW) Ministry hosted its 4th monthly meeting which dealt with Dealing with Depression on July 14, 2023, with the Surviving Divorce Series: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family. This program continues to help Separated and Divorced Roman Catholics deal with some of the most immediate challenges men and women experience…

The 3rd monthly meeting of the Family Life Commission’s Separated, Divorced and Widowed (SDW) Ministry was hosted on June 16, 2023 with the Surviving Divorce Series: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family. This program helps the Separated and Divorced work through the challenges related to the breakdown in the marriage through the eyes of the Church, which helps persons…