A widow shares on coping with the loss of her husband
The New Beginnings Weekend has been a tremendous help to me. A friend of mine introduced me to this wonderful weekend.
When my husband died in September 2010 I thought to myself, ‘Well, this is God’s will and therefore, I did not have to grieve’.
After my husband’s death I took things into my hands and did things automatically and I kept telling myself ‘I am ok’, that I really don’t need to grieve because this is all part of life – but that was before I did a New Beginnings Weekend.
The New Beginnings Weekend was an eye opener! The facilitators had gone through the same pain. I realised that it was okay to share my feelings, my deep feelings of grief, loneliness and sometimes fear of what’s next. I understood that God the Father wanted to hear from me, wanted to know what I was feeling. I also came to realise that the Catholic Church provides ‘life’ for all its members, even the Separated, Divorced and Widowed (SDW) members.
I am grateful to this movement for I am a better Catholic and I am better at expressing my feelings. I ask God to bless this movement so that it continues its work for all my separated, divorced and widowed brothers and sisters. I urge you to attend a New Beginnings Weekend.
The next New Beginnings Weekend is from Friday, July 4 to Sunday, July 6 at the Seminary, Mt St Benedict. Cost is $400. Contact: Lucille 653-7487 or Zena 391-4352.