Pornography is teaching “permission giving beliefs” which include all men go with prostitutes, women like to be raped, women enjoy degrading sex and children want to have sex with adults. Dr Mary Anne Layden, US psychotherapist, said one of her patients told her children liked having sex with adults because they saw photos of this on the internet and the…
CONSIDER THIS! is a docudrama and talk show which is conceived and produced by Jubilee Ministries for the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission, with creative and production services supplied by Doux Doux Darling Productions Ltd. MORE INFORMATION March 15 – Panel discussion [youtube][/youtube]
CONSIDER THIS! is a docudrama and talk show which is conceived and produced by Jubilee Ministries for the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission, with creative and production services supplied by Doux Doux Darling Productions Ltd. MORE INFORMATION March 8 – Episode 4 [youtube][/youtube] Talk show [youtube][/youtube]
CONSIDER THIS! is a docudrama and talk show which is conceived and produced by Jubilee Ministries for the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission, with creative and production services supplied by Doux Doux Darling Productions Ltd. MORE INFORMATION March 1 – Episode 3 [youtube][/youtube] Talk show – Pornography and the individual A discussion on the topic of the impact of pornography on…
CONSIDER THIS! is a docudrama and talk show which is conceived and produced by Jubilee Ministries for the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission, with creative and production services supplied by Doux Doux Darling Productions Ltd. MORE INFORMATION Feb 22 – episode 2 A discussion on the topic of pornography in our nation’s schools hosted by Nyron Rolingson and featuring educator and…
CONSIDER THIS! is a docudrama and talk show which is conceived and produced by Jubilee Ministries for the Archdiocesan Family Life Commission, with creative and production services supplied by Doux Doux Darling Productions Ltd. MORE INFORMATION Feb 15 – episode 1 [youtube][/youtube] Talk show [youtube][/youtube]
The Archdiocesan Family Life Commission – in collaboration with Jubilee Ministries – has produced a four-part docudrama on pornography called Consider This which is set to air on TV6 on Sunday evenings during lent. The same docudrama, accompanied by a one hour weekly talk show will also be aired on TCN (Channel 10 on Flow) every Friday from the 15th February to the 15th March at 8:00 p.m.